01 April 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Fourteen

This week's challenge is entitled "Keep it Clean. . . and Green."  Eliminate toxic chemicals in and around your home by using greener cleaning solutions.

The book has a whole section where it lists what ingredients are toxic and which are safe but, if you're like me, you don't have time memorize long, complicated names of chemicals to know whether or not they are safe.  In addition, manufacturers are not required to list all of their ingredients on their products and, even if they do, some their ingredients are so vague that you really don't know what you're getting.  The easiest way to do it is to purchase products that are certified by Green Seal or EcoLogo.  On both of these websites, you can search by type of product, manufacturer, etc to determine if the cleaning products you have are safe AND, if they aren't, search for greener alternatives.

Yes, I know this challenge may seem like a lot of work AND, possibly, a lot of money if you have to go out and buy all new cleaning supplies.  And, honestly, I'm not one to go over-board with the whole "green" thing.  But, after reading through the list of chemicals used in some cleaning products AND their side-effects, I'm more than convinced.  Need a little convincing yourself?  Here are just a few:

*hormone disruption
*reproductive toxicity

In fact, one chemical that has been proven to disrupt hormones is so harmful that it has been banned in Canada and the EU. . . but not here.  With so many things out there that can make us sick that we CAN'T control, why not take this step and eliminate these things PROVEN to make people sick from our homes?

Good luck!

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