15 April 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Sixteen

I'm a little bit more excited about this week's challenge because it seems like a small break in our grueling schedule.  I don't know about you, the last few weeks have been hard.  It seemed hard to keep up with the challenges and even harder to remember them.  But, then again, maybe it's just me.

Anyways, this week's challenge is entitled "Laugh Out Loud."  Pretty self-explanatory.  Make laughter a daily exercise.  'Why?' you might be asking.  Well, laughter provides physical, mental, and social benefits.

Physically, laughter reduces stress, relaxes muscles, boosts the immune system, and strengthens the heart.  Mentally, it eases anxiety, improves our mood, and often shifts our perspective from serious to lighthearted.  And socially, laughter makes us more attractive, strengthens relationships, and decreases conflicts.

But, if you're like me, some days just aren't funny.  How can you work laughter into those days?  Here are few tips:

1.  Start with a Smile.  Laughter begins with a smile, so make an effort to smile more.  Smile at strangers in the store.  Smile at your family and friends.  Smile at the TV for pete's sake if you have to.

2.  Get Away from Debbie Downer.  Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.  Children and pets can provide HOURS of amusement.  Avoid people who seem to radiate negativity.  Their personalities will do NOTHING to enhance yours.

3.  Take Yourself (and Life) Less Seriously.  This is a hard one for me.  But try not to beat yourself up for mistakes or for things in life that irritate you.  Try REALLY HARD to laugh at them.  Sometimes just forcing yourself to smile or laugh will change your outlook.

4.  Play.  Build some playtime into your day.  Do things that are fun.  Watch a comedy.  Read a funny story.  Tell jokes.  Play with your kids.  Heck--act like a kid!

5.  When in Doubt, FAKE IT!  If smiling and laughing don't come easily to you (as they don't for me on some days), fake it.  Force it.  As silly as it might sound, practice it.  The more you do, the easier it will be.

Take a break this week and enjoy the challenge.  And if you forget to do it, laugh about it. :)

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