27 July 2013

How I Long For My Indiana Home . . .

WARNING:  This post contains picture over-load.  You have been warned.

Matty and I had been planning a visit back to Indiana this summer for several months.  Not only do we miss family, but there is no better time to escape the heat and dust of the desert than summer.  Unfortunately, a week before we were set to depart, we received word that my uncle had passed away in a tragic accident.  A few phone calls later, and we were on a plane home sooner than expected, and not for reasons we would have ever wanted.

However, my uncle's unexpected passing made us appreciate our time with family more than usual.  We took advantage of every single minute home, and I really enjoyed being able to share with Matty some of the things that make Indiana such a special place to me.  Below are just a few examples.  Enjoy. :)

One of the highlights of Mamaw and Papaw's house is always the pool.  There was lots and lots of swimming.  With Aunt Erin . . .

. . . and Mom!

There was also sweet, blessed rain! And (although it annoyed the people who live there), Matty and I absolutely loved it and ran outside every time it started to sprinkle.  Here he is watching the rain from the garage after a sudden downpour.

And, of course, rain brings puddles!

When it wasn't raining, the sandbox was  HUGE hit.  Matty asked every day to go play in the "doot."  Luckily, big cousin Gabe was such a sport and would play in there with him . . . even when Matty decided it would be more fun to tackle him.

Gabe got his revenge, though; he buried Matty in the sand.  Matty didn't mind too much. :)

But you know what's sand is NOT good for?  Eating.

Quality time with Mamaw and Papaw was a huge highlight of the trip home.  Papaw is always ready for a ride in the four-wheeler . . . 

. . . to build a fire with . . . 

. . . or to take a nap on the floor with.

And Mamaw's are good for racing down the hallway with . . .

. . . and helping fill the bird feeders with . . . 

 . . . and picking flowers with. :)

And, of course, we can't forget a little QT with Aunt Erin . . .

. . . and Uncle John.

All of these family members to hang out with left Mom with plenty of free time.  She was even able to take in a baseball game with Karen. :)

Some of my favorite moments were the times I got to show Matty some of my favorite places at home.  We went hiking at Portland Arch Nature Preserve . . . 

. . . and Black Rock Barrens.

We shared a sundae at Dari-licious and played at Turtle Park . . . 

. . . took a stroll along the banks of the Wabash . . .

. . . and watched the otters swim at Columbian Park zoo with Angie and Noah.

In addition to visiting a few of my favorite spots, I also gave Matty a crash course in what it means to be a Hoosier (because, even if he was born in Vegas, my son is a Hoosier at heart!)  That meant a little romp through the cornfield . . . 

. . . some "one-on-one" . . . 

. . . and a lesson in shucking sweet corn . . . 

. . . (which he thoroughly enjoyed the benefits of doing!)

We were also lucky enough to be there over the Fourth of July holiday so Matty got to experience some fireworks for the first time (no more red flag warnings for us!)

Matty also got to spend time with ALL his cousins from Jonathan's side of the family.  It was only one day, and he was a little overwhelmed with all the chaos, but it was the first time all the cousins had ever been together at once.  As you can see, Jonathan's side of the family is a LITTLE bit bigger than my side of the family. :)

Sad to say good-bye, but Las Vegas was calling us back (okay, to be honest, Daddy was calling us back) so we had to go.  Thanks for all the memories, Indiana.  Until next time!