06 April 2013

A Day Out With Thomas!

Like almost all little boys his age, my son *LOVES* trains.  We went through a phase where we had to watch Thomas the Tank Engine every single day.  Thankfully, we've moved past that (although, he now insists on watching 'Cars' every day, and I'm almost begging to go back to the Thomas phase).  Anyways, the little blue engine and his friends still have a special place in his heart and remain the one set of toys he gets out and plays with every day.  So, when I saw that Thomas was making a stop in Las Vegas this year, I knew we just had to go.  

As with everything in a town of over 2 million people, the place was crowded and noisy but--for once--Matty and I didn't mind. :)

In addition to a life-size Thomas, there were games, rides, and an entire tent full of model trains the kids could play with.

Getting ready to ride the train!

The train ride itself actually wasn't anything special; it lasted about 15 minutes and only went about 2 miles from the station.  Matty had a hard time sitting still and didn't quite understand the excitement about "riding Thomas" since he couldn't see the engine from his seat.

But he did get a Jr. Engineer certificate signed by Sir Topham Hatt himself. :)

Posing with the cheeky little engine before heading home.  Needless to say, Matty is currently in the process of taking a VERY good nap. :)