25 May 2013

A 5k (+30 pounds) THANK YOU to Our Troops

Happy Memorial Day (weekend), everyone!  Sometimes this weekend seems to be overtaken by vacations, BBQ's, and (if you're from Indiana like me) the 500.  While all of those things are fine and dandy, we cannot forget the REAL reason for our holiday:  the men and women who have given their lives from our freedom.  I wanted desperately to do something--anything--to honor these heroes, and I ran across a flier for a 5k being sponsored by a local VFW chapter, with all proceeds going to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.  Although all of my running buddies were either going out of town for the long weekend or very, VERY pregnant and Jonathan was working (of course), I decided to do it anyway.  Only a cause as important as this could convince me that a race in the late-May Vegas heat while pushing a jogging stroller was a good idea. :)

I very rarely include Matty on my runs.  Not only does he get bored easily, but my sturdy boy and the stroller combine for at least 30 pounds of extra weight.  Factor in the Mohave Desert heat and the ups and downs of Spring Mountain foothills and . . . well . . . you get the picture.  But, this kid ROCKED his first 5k.  Armed with his blanket, some water, and a baggie of goldfish, he was the perfect running partner (although, I wouldn't have minded if he pulled his own weight instead of me having to push it). :)

Random side note:  a "celebrity" appearance was made by this guy.  Don't recognize him?  Me either.  Apparently, he's the husband on the TLC show "Sister Wives," and he was here MINUS his three wives.  With the crowd of desperate, fame-hungry women who surrounded him, I don't think it would be hard for him to find a fourth.  Pathetic.

Anyways, I absolutely LOVE doing events that involve our military men and women and/or veterans.  Not that civilians don't appreciate our country, but you haven't experienced patriotism until you've been surrounded by those who have made REAL sacrifices for it.  Unlike most events, during the singing of the National Anthem and the subsequent moment of silence for local hero Marine PFC John Lukac who gave the ultimate sacrifice, people here really meant it when they saluted the flag or placed their hands over their hearts.  And the moment of silence was SILENT.  Actually and completely silent.  It was very, very moving.

I made Matty a promise that he could play at the park if he behaved during my race.  He made a few whines during the run (didn't help that the run was at one of his favorite parks and we ran right past the playground a few times) but, on the whole, he was amazing.  I was more than happy to head over and let him get out some energy after the race.

Yes, Matty, I'm sure that you most certainly need to cool off after your long, 5k ride. ;)

That water was COLD, though, and it wasn't long before we moved on the real fun.  And boy, did he have serious energy to burn off.


"You sure it's okay for me to go down the slide this way?"

Why in the world does Vegas find it necessary to put statues of giant yucky things in its' parks?  I mean, I know they're fake but still.  Let's teach the kids that's its okay to go up to things like giant lizards and snakes.  Giant rattler?  Didn't faze Matty in the least.

Love the "prehistoric" part of this park.  In Matty's words:  "WOW."

Thank you again to those who have served, are currently serving, or who have given the ultimate sacrifice for me.  Words cannot begin to express my gratitude and, although it may seem as if the world doesn't care, there are those who do.  You are never forgotten and never taken for granted.  God bless.

13 May 2013

April and May Musings

Whew!  Spring has been an absolute whirlwind for our family, and it seems as if everything and nothing has been happening simultaneously.  I've been pretty bad at keeping up on here, so I'll just share some favorite pictures to let you in on a few details.

What can I say about Matty?  We are the midst of the terrible-but-not-quite-two's.  He has learned to say "NO" and says it with more force than I ever could have imagined possible from a toddler.  For the most part, he's a joy . . . but, when he does have an off day, it is COMPLETELY off.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Anyways, here are some pics of the good days. :)

He built a fort with Daddy in the living room; he didn't think Mommy could find the entrance and laughed hysterically when I did.

It's hockey play-off time, and that means my husband has been itching to get out on the ice.  However, I keep reminding him that we live in the desert . . . so, for his birthday, he went and got some street hockey gear instead.  He was so proud that Matthew was so interested in all of it (although I did put a stop to the manic hockey stick swinging in the house REAL fast).

He took him to the local rink and, although he had a blast skating around and practicing his passing skills, I think he was a little disappointed that Matthew was more interested in chasing the puck around than taking notes on Daddy's "technique."  I had to remind him (yet again) that Matty isn't even two yet. :)

April also brought our good friend Brewha home from the desert, and he and his wife Shawna brought their kiddos up to Vegas for some post-deployment R&R and a long-anticipated reunion (even though Shawna had just been up to see me in February).  While the guys shared war stories and drank a few beers, I showed Shawna and the girls some more kid-friendly areas of Vegas.  

 We are also now entering the "rainy season" in Vegas (which is a total joke).  However, we had one week where it rained 3 times.  THREE!  My desert baby's reaction to rain this time around was a little more subdued.  Confusion, trepidation, and one very large "uh-oh!"

With the unbearable summer months rolling in quickly, I finally convinced Jonathan to get Matty something to play on in the backyard.  Well, actually, it was my amazing bargain hunting skills that finally broke him down.  ($260 brand new, found at a yard sale for $100, and my Korea-learned haggling skills got her to sell it for $75). :)  So, it's still hot outside, but at least now Matty has a place to play in the shade and within a 30 second walk to air conditioning.

In other spring happenings, we found out that Jonathan has been selected for Major (whoo-hoo!).  "Retiring" from the A-10 has been a rough road, but it was so nice to finally see someone recognize all of his hard work.  As for me,  I've been on a spiritual journey for several years now and, the first weekend of May, I made the choice to be baptized at our church.  It was a long time coming, but I'm so glad that I wanted until this time and this place to do it.  And no, it's not lost on me that I had to come to Sin City to wash my sins away. :)


And so is our life.  Busy with everything and nothing at the same time.  Dreading the heat, but looking forward to what summer holds!