31 October 2013

I Feel The Need . . . The Need For Speed.

I *love* October.  Everything about it.  The cool air, the leaves, the hooded sweatshirts, the pumpkins . . . okay, so really the only thing Las Vegas has in that list is the pumpkins.  And since it's the only real piece of October we get, we do it BIG.  We visit almost every pumpkin patch in the Valley and really get into the totally cheesy "fall" festivals.

And, of course, after visiting all these pumpkin patches, we can't slack on the decorating.  We learned out first year here that carving + 90 degree temps = disgusting mess so we've embraced the painted pumpkins.  I'd say we are really starting to get the hang of it too. :)

Matty got two gourds and a small pumpkin this year.  And Daddy ROCKED the paint job.

Jonathan and I each did our own, but we couldn't leave Oskar out, so he graciously allowed Jonathan to paint his for him. Lack of opposable thumbs really puts a damper on his painting skills.

Our community does a "Trunk-or-Treat" event at the park a few days before Halloween, which is perfect for us because Matty is still too small to really get into trick-or-treating and (to be honest) neither he (nor I) need all that candy in the house.  This year, he decided he wanted to be Daddy for Halloween.  We already had the flight suit; a little spiked hair and a tiny pair of aviators brought the whole thing together.

"That's right, Mommy.  I am . . . dangerous."

And it just wouldn't be Halloween without me dressing Oskar in a ridiculous costume and making him hide from me for about two weeks afterwards.  I found this one at PetSmart for 75% off, and I caught him mid-yawn, making it appear he was REALLY getting into character.  If I was good with Photoshop, I'd draw some flames coming out of his mouth. :)

Happy Halloween, everyone!