13 May 2013

April and May Musings

Whew!  Spring has been an absolute whirlwind for our family, and it seems as if everything and nothing has been happening simultaneously.  I've been pretty bad at keeping up on here, so I'll just share some favorite pictures to let you in on a few details.

What can I say about Matty?  We are the midst of the terrible-but-not-quite-two's.  He has learned to say "NO" and says it with more force than I ever could have imagined possible from a toddler.  For the most part, he's a joy . . . but, when he does have an off day, it is COMPLETELY off.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Anyways, here are some pics of the good days. :)

He built a fort with Daddy in the living room; he didn't think Mommy could find the entrance and laughed hysterically when I did.

It's hockey play-off time, and that means my husband has been itching to get out on the ice.  However, I keep reminding him that we live in the desert . . . so, for his birthday, he went and got some street hockey gear instead.  He was so proud that Matthew was so interested in all of it (although I did put a stop to the manic hockey stick swinging in the house REAL fast).

He took him to the local rink and, although he had a blast skating around and practicing his passing skills, I think he was a little disappointed that Matthew was more interested in chasing the puck around than taking notes on Daddy's "technique."  I had to remind him (yet again) that Matty isn't even two yet. :)

April also brought our good friend Brewha home from the desert, and he and his wife Shawna brought their kiddos up to Vegas for some post-deployment R&R and a long-anticipated reunion (even though Shawna had just been up to see me in February).  While the guys shared war stories and drank a few beers, I showed Shawna and the girls some more kid-friendly areas of Vegas.  

 We are also now entering the "rainy season" in Vegas (which is a total joke).  However, we had one week where it rained 3 times.  THREE!  My desert baby's reaction to rain this time around was a little more subdued.  Confusion, trepidation, and one very large "uh-oh!"

With the unbearable summer months rolling in quickly, I finally convinced Jonathan to get Matty something to play on in the backyard.  Well, actually, it was my amazing bargain hunting skills that finally broke him down.  ($260 brand new, found at a yard sale for $100, and my Korea-learned haggling skills got her to sell it for $75). :)  So, it's still hot outside, but at least now Matty has a place to play in the shade and within a 30 second walk to air conditioning.

In other spring happenings, we found out that Jonathan has been selected for Major (whoo-hoo!).  "Retiring" from the A-10 has been a rough road, but it was so nice to finally see someone recognize all of his hard work.  As for me,  I've been on a spiritual journey for several years now and, the first weekend of May, I made the choice to be baptized at our church.  It was a long time coming, but I'm so glad that I wanted until this time and this place to do it.  And no, it's not lost on me that I had to come to Sin City to wash my sins away. :)


And so is our life.  Busy with everything and nothing at the same time.  Dreading the heat, but looking forward to what summer holds!

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