05 August 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Thirty-Two

This week's challenge is to reduce your consumption of fried food, fast food, and commercially baked goods so that you eliminate trans fat completely and reduce comsumption of saturated fats.

The good news about this week's challenge is that it isn't very complicated.  Very specific foods contain trans fats and saturated fats, so it will be easy to eliminate or avoid them.  For example, avoid fried foods at all cost.  Instead, choose foods that are grilled, boiled, broiled, or (if you want a crispier texture), baked with whole wheat breading.  Avoid fast food.  Avoid commercially baked foods, like cookies, crackers, donuts, muffins, cakes, and pies.  If you must have these kinds of things (like me), bake them yourself.  This way, you have more control over the ingredients and can choose options like non-fat milk and solid fats over whole milk and liquid fat.

Best of luck!

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