29 July 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Thirty-One

Ahhhhh. . .  this week's challenge is one near and dear to me:  dust.  Yep, it's another cleaning change.  The challenge this week is to develop and implement a regular dust-reduction strategy.  In other words, clean your house.

We all know our houses get dusty.  But what IS dust?  Well, it varies by where you live, if you have pets, what you cook, if you smoke, and other factors.  So, in addition to regular old dirt that floats in the air and lands on your furniture, dust is also made up of dead skin, pet dander, food, insect parts, bacteria, fungus, and dust mites.  So, even if you're not a clean freak like me, I can almost guarantee that most of you don't want that kind of stuff coating your furniture.  In addition, a dusty house leads to poor quality and can lead to asthma and allergy problems.

Because dust isn't limited to just your furniture, it's important to utilize a myriad of cleaning supplies to combat it.  Vacuum at least weekly, preferably twice a week, including carpets, hard floors, and fabric furniture.  In addition, use a wet mop on hard floors.  Use a microfiber cloth when dusting furniture, and try to dust once a week.

In addition to cleaning, it's important to try and minimize the amount of dust in your house.  Here are some tips:

1.  Remove shoes at the door (see week 7)
2.  Seal cracks in windows and doors
3.  If you live in a humid climate, use a dehumidifier.
4.  Use air purifiers and air filters.

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