25 March 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Thirteen

Greetings, all!  I have a bit more time to post this week, so hopefully this won't be as rushed.  This week's challenge is entitled:  "Eat Your Wheaties" and is all about working a balanced breakfast into your day.

When I was younger, I was avid breakfast-skipper, but now that I'm older, I have no idea how I did.  I wake up in the morning STARVING, and breakfast is very easily my most favorite meal of the day.  I know it seems like an easy meal to skip (especially if you're trying to lose weight), but here are some breakfast FAQ's to prove to you otherwise:

1.  Studies show that people who eat breakfast  have more energy, better cognitive function and memory, and a lower BMI than those who skip breakfast.
2.  A regular breakfast schedule is associated with healthier eating patterns, better portion control, and less nighttime snacking.
3.  Eating breakfast increases your metabolic speed.  This means that eating breakfast actually helps you LOSE WEIGHT, not gain it.

That being said, you must eat the right KIND of breakfast for the above to be true.  Now, I love muffins, doughnuts, and sugary cereals as much as the next person, but eating those types of things will not have the effect we're looking for.  A healthy breakfast should contain lean protein (eggs, egg whites, low-fat/non-fat milk, yogurt, and lean meats like ham and canadian bacon) and high-fiber carbohydrates (who grain cereals and breads, oatmeal, and fruit).

The book gives all kinds of suggestions on ways to eat a healthy breakfast, which you can peruse at your leisure.  However, if you're like me, you don't have a lot of time to make an elaborate breakfast in the morning.  For a quick fix, try a whole grain thin bagel with peanut butter, whole grain toast with a few pieces of fruit, or there are lots of healthy cereal alternatives on the market you can pair with skim milk (check the whole foods or organic section of your supermarket for a start).  But beware--not all of the cereals they advertise as "healthy" really are--sure, they might be whole grain, but they are also loaded with sugar.  As always, I hope you guys are continuing to read your food labels!

Best of luck!  Healthy eating!

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