15 January 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Three

So I will admit, I didn't do all that great on last week's challenge to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.  The fist night was not my fault, as I had a teething baby who was up all night.  I did pretty well the next few days but last night I was so engrossed with finishing the last book of 'The Hunger Games' trilogy that I didn't even look at the clock until I was finished. . . and let's just say it was waaaaaaay past my bedtime.  But any of you have read 'The Hunger Games,' I think you will forgive me.

Anyways, on the days I DID get 7-8 hours of sleep, I felt so much better.  I think I tend to alternate between getting way too much sleep and not getting enough.  It seems to be that I stay up way too late one night and don't get enough sleep, making me exhausted the next day.  I over-compensate this with going to bed super early that night and end up getting too much sleep---which actually makes me even MORE tired the next day.  It doesn't make sense to me, but it's true.  However, this week I did my best to have a set bedtime as well as a set wake-time, and I found myself not even needing coffee in the morning.  It was so nice. :)

Anyways, onto week three.  This week's challenge is called "Keep It Off the Couch."  Apart from exercise, incorporate regular and routine activity into your lifestyle.  This challenge is NOT about going to the gym 5 days a week or running 3 miles every day.  It is simply choosing to put more movement into your life.  I'll give you some examples of how I plan on implementing this to try and clarify.

1.  Take A Walk.  Walking is such a great, under-rated way to get moving.  I think people associate it with power walkers at the mall or old people exercise.  But walking is such a wonderful way to ensure you don't remain sedentary all day.  Take a walk before breakfast and after dinner.  It aids digestion and makes you feel better.  My mom takes a walk during her lunch break at work to be sure she gets one in during the day.  Or, do as I do:  walk your dog.  I see so many people with dogs, and I hardly ever see ANY of them out for a walk!  Poor doggies. . . and poor owners!  My dog would drive me absolutely insane if he didn't get his daily walk.  He gets a long one in the morning and a shorter one in the afternoon.  If you don't have a dog, take your kids for a walk.  Matty enjoys our walks almost as much as Oskar!  If you don't have kids or a dog, take a walk with a friend.  If you don't have friends, well. . . we have bigger problems.

2.  Stand Up.  This will be a new one for me this week. Instead of sitting and doing things, stand up.  Stand up and watch TV.  Stand up and play around on your computer.  Stand up and read.  I know this isn't feasible to do all the time and may actually weird some people out, but standing instead of sitting for a few minutes throughout the day is a start!

3.  Park as far away from the building as possible.  Getting in a few extra steps a day--even if its parking and walking through the parking lot of the grocery store instead of driving around for a half hour to find a close parking spot--will make you healthier AND save you time.  But, FYI, I DON'T recommend doing this at night.

4.  'Actively' Watch TV.  This is my second "during TV" suggestion because, well, I have certain shows that I just can't miss. :)  Instead of just sitting on the couch, DO something.  Clean the living room.  Do laundry.  Or, if you're really motivated, do some sit-ups or push-ups.  Anything to keep you moving, at least for a little bit.

5.  Have Fun.  Even the most die-hard couch potatoes are bound to find something active they enjoy doing.  So instead of sitting on the couch for hours when you're bored, replace it with some kind of activity:  biking, tennis, basketball, rollerblading.  Whatever you find that you actually enjoy.  As for me, I love to dance.  I don't do it well, but I enjoy it.  My dog and my son get quite a show when I get bored.

Okay, those are my suggestions and what I plan on doing this week to implement the challenge.  Do have any more ideas?  Feel free to leave them in the comments, and good luck!

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