22 January 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Four

So, how did everyone do with last week's challenge to incorporate more movement into your life?  I have to say:  this challenge actually showed me how much I MOVE, not how much I don't move.  I tried to add more movement to my day, but it was actually hard to find the time!  I realized that there are some days where I don't sit down for hours!  I'm always taking Oskar for a walk, cleaning, doing laundry, or something active.  I did add in standing while I ate (which I did not enjoy) and standing while I fed Matty (which he seemed to enjoy. . . especially when I threw in some dance moves).  I also parked away from the store when I went, which honestly wasn't a big deal.  Anyone else have issues with this challenge?

Anyways, onto week four.  The challenge this week is to keep a food journal.  Honestly, I'm not too psyched about this one.  Don't get me wrong:  I think a food journal is a great tool if you're trying to lose weight or eat healthier.  However, I'm trying to maintain my weight (okay, maybe lose these last few pounds of baby weight, but nothing huge), and I already eat pretty healthy.  So I think that a food journal, for me, would cause me to be consumed with thoughts about what I'm eating.  I would constantly be paying attention to what I ate, when I ate, how I was feeling when I ate. . . yuck.  I'm all about eating healthy, but I don't want to be thinking about the food I eat every single second of the day.  However, maybe I'm wrong.  I'm willing to try it for this challenge. . . but no guarantees.

So, okay, this week, keep a food journal.  Write down everything you eat and drink and the amount, as well as your appetite at the time you ate it (on a scale of 0-5), and your physical and emotional status before and after you eat.  This should help you recognize not only what you are truly eating but also your "hunger triggers."  Are you really hungry when you eat?  Are you eating because you're bored? Tired?  Sad?  Really helpful for those wanting to figure out how to cut out extra calories during the day.

Good luck!

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