29 December 2012

Cars, Trains, and Santa . . . OH MY!

After what seemed like months of waiting, Christmas finally arrived! (No, seriously--the Christmas build-up seems to start earlier each year, making the arrival of the big day seem to take FOREVER!  Am I the only one who feels this way?)  Anyways, we were excited to welcome my parents to town to celebrate this year, and MJ was stoked. . .

"Okay, Papaw, when you get here, first we're going to play with tractors, then we're going to build with Legos, then we'll read a few books, then we'll take a walk to the park, then we'll . . . "

My mom always brings the most amazing goodies with her when she visits, and she did not disappoint this year.  Not only were there lots of sweets, but also her homemade rolls, which MJ was all too happy to sample.

Mamaw and Papaw also brought non-Christmas gifts, including this rocking horse I bought for my nephew Gabe when he was two.  He's obviously out-grown it and sent it with Mamaw and Papaw for MJ to have.  As you can see, he was pretty happy about it.

Unfortunately, Jonathan had to work late on Christmas Eve and, therefore, slept in a bit on Christmas morning, but he didn't want to miss MJ's opening his presents from Santa.  Santa, luckily, stopped at our house last (around 9:00AM) and dropped off MJ's gifts while he was distracted in the kitchen.  Tricky old St. Nick. :)

This car was the BEST. PRESENT. EVER.

Little man climbed in and knew just what to do.  He was turning the steering wheel, honking the horn, turning on his blinkers, and changing the radio station simultaneously.  I swear I don't know where he learned it.  I certainly don't drive that way. :)

He got out of the car just long enough to grab his new box of tools and bring them back in with him.

The only thing that would possibly get him out of the car?  Thomas the Tank Engine toys!

And a John Deere tractor, of course. :)

After the excitement of presents, we went outside to take the car for a spin.  So lucky we live in Las Vegas and that it was in the 50s on Christmas Day. :)

The next day, we took my parents out to see some of the sights around Vegas.  But, if you know my parents at all, you know they are NOT big city people, so we decided it was best to head out of the city . . . so we went to the Hoover Dam instead.  We had taken MJ down here when he was about a month old, and he was not impressed by seeing it again. 

We let my parents go on a tour of the dam while we waited outside.  Not only are children under the age of 8 not allowed on the tours (unless they are a month old like MJ was), the tour had made me super claustrophobic and I was NOT in any hurry to do it again.  Instead, we let MJ try and climb up the rocks in Boulder Canyon. :)

Daddy had to help.

"Dad, let go.  I got this."

After the excitement was all over and the grandparents had left, it was hard to get MJ back into his normal routine.  However, new comfy new PJ's and a few new Thomas books, and he was ready to sleep for the first time in days.

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Hope your holiday was blessed!

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