09 June 2012

Mommy's Little Helper

Anyone who knows me knows that I like a clean house.  Okay, that might be an understatement.  It's more than "liking" a clean house; I need a clean house.  And that need has not quelled just because I have a little one underfoot nowadays.  It's a little more difficult to accomplish, but it doesn't mean I don't spend my days trying.

Anyway, Matty has gotten to the point where he really wants to "help" Mommy when she cleans.  Of course, this usually involves him making things worse and getting in the way, but I do my best to encourage his involvement.  Maybe this will make instilling clean habits later easier.  One can hope, right?  

Here's a few photos of Matty "helping."

"Helping" Mommy sweep.  This is his favorite.  He LOVES the broom.  Of course, trying to sweep crumbs into a dust pan while he chases the broom across the floor is not an easy task and usually ends up with him crawling through the pile of dirt and me having RE-SWEEP later.  Oh well.  How can you say "no" to that face?

"Helping" with laundry.

"Helping" load the dishwasher.  Look at that rotten face.  What a stinker.

"Helping" me vacuum.  Whenever I run it, he laughs and chases it around the room.  This usually makes Oskar bark at him, as if warning him about the evil vacuum.  Therefore, vacuum time = chaos at the Wright house.  But, at least he's not afraid of it!

That's all for today.  Enjoy your weekend, everyone.  Hope you're not stuck inside cleaning, like I am!

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