21 January 2010

So I'm getting bad at this already . . .

So I'm starting to get bad at up-dating already, and its not even February yet! So okay . . . what's new with the Woogies? Let's see . . . Jonathan is still flying his butt off. As I'm typing this, he is STILL at work, flying nights every single night this week. He's staying busy busy, and he complains a LOT, but we all know he loves his job and wouldn't want to do anything else. With some of the squadron being gone on TDY's and such, he has taken over as a flight commander, and he is doing an AMAZING job at it. I'm so proud of him!

As for me, I was recently elected to the board of the Osan chapter of PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) which has been keeping me super busy. We recently held our spring kick-off, and we can now boast over 50 ladies! Crazy! I started a new bible study, Beth Moore's "Breaking Free," and I am so excited about it. I've wanted to do it for a few years now, and she recently up-dated it with all new lessons and videos, so I'm interested to see what the next few weeks have in store for me. I'm still teaching AWANA on Wednesday nights and still working diligently on my writing. One of these days--ONE OF THESE DAYS--it will pay off. (At least, that's what I keep telling myself!)

We're really enjoying our time here in Korea. We've made some fantastic friends. Below are some pics taken recently at a "Hail and Farewell." It's a tradition for all of the wives to get a "party suit." (The guys have them too, but they are not in skirt form . . . although maybe I should bring that up. Could be entertaining?) These women are all AMAZING and some of my best friends. Thought you'd all like to see some of the ladies I talk about all the time.

PS. "Party hair" is also a tradition (as you can tell from the pics). I haven't quite gotten brave enough to get any, but you can see that some of the ladies go all out. :)

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

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