03 January 2010

Let it SNOW!

It has been snowing ALL DAY here: road condition RED, school cancelled, and even PILOTS got sent home early. Who knew it snowed like this in Korea?

I pretty much had to "re-introduce" Oskar to snow, since it had been SO LONG since he'd seen it. It only snowed like this once the entire time we were in Germany, and he LOVED it. So I hoped just throwing him into it would trigger some memories.

At first, he just looked so pathetic, I almost took him inside. I mean, look at this snow mustache:

What do you do when the snow is as tall as your dog?

You just SNOW PLOW it!

Finally, I gave up and just took him to the park . . . and that's apparently all it took. As soon as I snapped the leash off, he was GONE, bounding off through the snow!

Can you spot an OKB in this picture?

Okay, Mom. I'm cold. Even my tags are frozen together. Can we go inside now?

1 comment:

  1. Haha - cute photos of Oskar! We should take Meg and Oskar out together tomorrow and see if they play.
