29 January 2010

A Lazy Saturday

Greetings, everyone! You know, I never realized how boring we really were until I started this blog . . . there really has been nothing new to talk about! I promise that we will do something fun and interesting real soon (if I can get Jonathan away from the squadron, that is). Until then, enjoy pics of Oskar (because I know that's what you all want to see)!

I really have no idea what these Korean dog treats are, but Oskar loves them. I just pray he's not eating another dog . . .

These are his absolute favorite . . . I think maybe they are vegetable-based, but really, I have no idea. Whatever Oskar wants, he gets. ;)

This picture is just precious. We watched Meg, Oskar's girlfriend for a few days while Nicole and Tim went skiing. It's hard to tell, but they were actually holding hands here, both sleeping on Jonathan's lap.

Oskar's newest thing is sitting on the back of our couch and looking out the window. He used to have places in our house in Germany where he could sit and stare for hours. However, he seems to have just figured out a place to do that here. Who knew when we bought a wiener dog that he would actually be part cat?

Well, at least we know that if North Korea attacks, Oskar will let us know. Here he is watching out for those commie bastards.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Oskar and Meg holding hands is TOO cute. And they really ARE holding hands, er, paws! I will have to put it on my blog, too. :)
