03 March 2013


Hooray!  Grandma and Grandpa are in town . . . just in time for Touch-a-Truck!  This event is just like it sounds:  various agencies around Las Vegas (civilian, military, police, fire, etc) park their trucks in one location and invite the public to come and check them out.  In other words, it's a little boy's own slice of heaven.  

Like everything in a city of 2 million+ people, it was insanely crowded so we scoped out the trucks that had the shortest lines.  MJ loves trucks, but not enough to have to wait in line for a half hour to climb into one.  Here was his first truck, a big ol' semi, just like Papaw's. :)

Catching a ride on Dad's shoulders.  Best view in the whole place.


Another Army Truck.

Jonathan had to hand MJ down to this nice Army fella while he climbed out the truck.  MJ was NOT amused.  Stranger danger . . . even with a man in a uniform. ;)

My mother-in-law got SUPER excited when she saw the CSI van.  She is a 'Law and Order/ CSI' fanatic.  She said she felt silly standing in line and getting her picture taken, but I know she really loved it.

Fire truck!

Inside the bucket of a bulldozer.  Someone felt like he had more important things to do than get a picture taken with Mom and Dad.

Inside the wheel of the 'dozer.

Mini-excavator.  This seemed to be his favorite.

Leave it to Las Vegas to take a Touch-a-Truck event to the next level.  Let's make it super cheesy and over-the-top by bringing in Robosaurus.  Leave it to me to enjoy the super cheesiness and insist we stay and watch.

Waiting for Robosaurus to start, we got to watch a helicopter land.  So glad it was from a nice, semi-quiet distance.

Who needs a Robosaurus when you have Mom to play with?  Totally ignoring the event we were here to watch.

They had several dumpy cars that Robosaurus was supposed to eat.  This was the last shot we got of him "eating" the first car before it broke in half and smashed to the ground.  It absolutely TERRIFIED my son.  He was D-O-N-E with the whole thing afterwards.  Mom of the Year award to me. :)

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