17 September 2012

A Sunday Night Allergy Attack Project

We are fighting a serious case of the crud in my house this weekend.  Well, MJ is fighting a case of the crud.  Mine seems to be more allergy-related.  Whatever the case, it's been a "staying in your pjs-hair pulled back-no contacts-drugged up on Benadryl" kind of weekend.  And, as some of you may know, it doesn't take much for me to get cabin fever.  Only two days of being stuck at home, and I was going a little stir crazy.  That meant it was time to pull out the sewing machine.

MJ and I started MOPS this year, and I wanted to make him a little bag that I could drop off with him at childcare for diapers, clothes, etc.  A full-up diaper bag just seemed too much for the task.  AND I had some super cute John Deere fabric left over from his birthday extravaganza that I needed to use up.  However, the more I looked at this fabric, the girly-er I found it.  It's supposed to be "bandana" type material, but the little swirls and flowers just made it look too feminine for a boy's bag.  So I decided to use it in my first attempt at a hobo bag instead, which I'd always wanted to try.  Sorry, MJ.  Your bag will have to wait a few more days. :)

Anyways, I started out with about two yards of fabric and, from it, I cut out two squares, each 27" X 27", as well as 4 strips of 3" X 10" and one 4" X 10" strip.  

From there, I put large squares RIGHT SIDES together.  I pinned them, leaving a 4" gap in the center of one side.  

Sew around the squares, using a 1/2" seam allowance, leaving the 4" gap open.  Turn the squares right side out and press flat, folding in the opening about a half inch.  

Next take your 4" X 10" strip and fold it in half, making it a 4" X 5" square.  Sew all around, leaving an opening to turn it right side out.  

Flip it right side out, press it, and top stitch all the way around.  Top stitching is not my greatest strength but hey--practice makes perfect, right?

Place your now-finished 4" X 5" strip about 1" into the gap in your large squares.  Pin it in place, then top stitch around the entire thing. 

Next, take the opposite three sides (the ones without the strip coming out of it) and sew a 2" pleat in the center of each.  This was my first time attempting pleats, but it really wasn't that hard.  You simply fold and sew.  The picture isn't very good.  Google it if you need more specific instructions. :)

Next, take your 3" X 10" strips and fold them in half length-wise.  Sew, leaving one end open to turn it right side out.  Press, and top stitch.  Honestly, this is what took me the longest out of the entire project. I hate turning skinny pieces of fabric inside out.  UGH.  My advice is to have a chopstick handy.

Finally, take your handles and pull one corner through about 3".  Fold the corner down and tie tightly with one of your strips.  Do this to all four corners.

And there you go.  A hobo bag.  Pretty easy.

Happy sewing!

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