09 September 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Thirty-Seven

Last week, while discussing things to do during my husband's three days off, all I could add to the conversation was "I need to get out of the city."  Maybe it's just me, but there are times when I just feel so claustrophobic living in a big city.  To be constantly surrounded by buildings and other people . . . it's just so suffocating.  Does anyone else feel this way?

Anyway, so I can understand completely this week's challenge, which is entitled "Get Back to Nature."  Spend more time outdoors and in nature and less time plugged into technology.

Little did I know, but there are actually studies that have proven that spending time in nature is good for you.  Researchers have found that being in nature promotes feelings of connectedness, purpose, and belonging to something greater than oneself.  It also promotes a positive attitude, mindfulness, and creativity, as well as increased focus and attention, and heightened sensory awareness.

This is not only true of adults but also children.  Nature stimulates children's imaginations and creativity and can enhance cognitive flexibility, problem-solving ability, and self-discipline.  Research also found that children exposed to green spaces, even in cities, demonstrate improved ability to pay attention, become less impulsive, and are more patient.

I make it a point for my son to play outdoors for at least a little bit of time every day.  This means that I myself have to be outside as well, since he's too young to be outside unsupervised.  Make it a point this week to do the same with your children.  Take a walk, visit a park, start a garden--anything to get yourself and your family outside and away from the TV, phone, and computer.

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