01 February 2012

Happy 6 Months, MJ!

Our little boy is 6 months old!  It is so hard to believe that you've already been with us for half a year!  It doesn't even seem possible.  As always, here's some of our favorite highlights from the past month.

We've been trying really hard to call you by your real name because, since you were born, we've been calling you "Squishy."  I think it had something to do with the squishy cheeks and squishy legs and squishy butt. . . and, well, squishy everything you had when you were born.  This has somehow evolved into "Squigee" lately, complete with it's own song.  This look here is what we call "Doing the Squigee": eyes wide, mouth open, and drooling.  Not the most intelligent look, but we love it just the same. ;)

Scary how much like Daddy you are.  Not only does everyone who sees you call you a "little Woogie," but you guys actually act alike too.  Case in point. . .

You can make some pretty hysterical faces by this point.  This is one of my favorites.  I keep it on my phone for whenever I need a good laugh.

Still working on this whole "sitting up by myself" thing. . .

The "blowing raspberries" obsession returned this month.  You got a little closer this time. ;)

This month also brought the introduction of a bowl and spoon.  Rice cereal in your bottle was easier, but a bowl and spoon was so much messier. . . and way more fun. ;)

LOVE baby giggles!

Look at those teeth!

We have a thumb sucker.  It's okay.  Momma was a thumb sucker too. ;)

You LOVE Oskar!  You laugh hysterically watching him play, and you are determined to touch him whenever he ventures close enough.  You actually got ahold of him one day; you grabbed a handful of the extra skin hanging off his neck.  Luckily he loves you enough that he didn't bite, growl, or howl. . . he just ran and hid behind the couch after I pried your fingers loose.

Never far from each other.  Best buds.

Gift from Daddy, who FINALLY returned home this month.  Nothing runs like a Deere. :)

We love you, Squig but, please. . . stop growing so quickly!

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