31 October 2011

Happy Halloween: The Real Story

I'm starting to realize that, now that I have a child, it's harder to be away from home for the holidays. . . and we've only had one holiday!  I hate that Matthew is growing up so far away from family, who can't share in all the joy of a new nephew or grandson.  So, I made a vow that I would pull the "mom" thing and take pictures of MJ in his costume so I could send it in time for Halloween.  That way they can at least have a pretend "trick-or-treat" with him (even though I'm not really taking him trick-or-treating.  He won't have a clue what's going on, and God knows I don't need that candy in my house!)  

So anyway, a few weeks ago, I pulled out MJ's costume and prepared for a photo shoot with him.  IT. TOOK. ALL. DAY.  My normally happy, smiling baby decided he did NOT like his candy corn costume and did NOT want to smile for a picture.  I ended up getting a pretty cute one, but not before all of these. . . 

When I first put it on, he thought it was kind of silly. . . 

After multiple attempts to get a good smile, however, he started to get annoyed.  "Really, Mom?  Really?"

So we took a break, took a little nap, had another bottle, and geared up for round two.  This time, I got really into it.  I took some Halloween fabric I had gotten at Happy Quilt back in Korea and spread it out on the bed.  I was going for a more "professional" look.

MJ decided he looked so tasty he might as well try eating himself.  I have about 20 pictures of this pose, each one accompanied by me saying, "Get your hands out of your mouth.  Get your hands out of your mouth."

Then, of course, Oskar got in on the action and just HAD to know what was going on.  "No, Oskar, he's not a REAL candy corn."


And, just like last time, a meltdown.

After yet ANOTHER nap and ANOTHER bottle, we tried one last time.  As quick as I could, I zipped up the costume, plopped him down in his vibrating chair, and snapped a picture.  Luckily, it turned out like this:

Good enough!  I yanked off the costume before he could have another break-down and told him that we were D-O-N-E with Halloween for the day.  He couldn't have been happier. :)

Happy Halloween, everyone! :)


  1. I totally understand how you feel. When it was just Corey and me, being away was hard, but we loved where we were. But now that Jack is in the picture, it is so hard. (Which would be why we're moving back.) It does get easier. Skype really helps, too. I'm sure everybody's blocked me on fb for putting up so many pictures of Jack, but it's the easiest way for us to keep our family updated. They just love it! I know we're pretty far for you to travel alone with little Matthew, but you are more than welcome to travel to Cali and join us for Thanksgiving! We always go all out with the food, making our favorites from back home. We love to have you. Happy Halloween!

  2. This is too cute! I took Ben to a pumpkin patch for photos and he just stared intensely at the pumpkins, wanting to touch them and the straw. Fifty pictures later, he finally smiled for my last three photos! :)
