31 August 2011

Please Don't Call Child Services

I've been working really hard over the past few weeks on Matthew's baby book. I'd really like him to have something when he's older to know what life was really like when he was a baby especially if, God forbid, something should happen to Jonathan or I. The book had a few pages set aside for us to make prints of his hands and feet, and I finally got the special ink the mail (I don't know if you really NEED special ink, but I wasn't taking any chances so I paid an arm and a leg for baby-safe ink designed especially for making hand/foot prints).

Anyways, Jonathan was home this afternoon so, after a feeding and diaper change (Matthew, not Jonathan), I enlisted his help to get this done. Jonathan held him while I pressed the ink pads against his feet and then his hands. Wiggle worm that he is, it didn't take long before Jonathan AND MJ were COVERED in ink. Even when we tried to wipe the ink off, he continued to wiggle, getting ink all over ME. We gave up. Bath-time.

When we put in him in the tub, I was finally able to REALLY assess the damage and, well. . . take a look for yourself. . .

I swear we really were trying to take his hand and foot prints. We didn't just roll him in ink, despite how things look.

But we at least got the prints, right? Wrong.

If you went purely by these prints, you'd think my son had alien hands and is missing a toe on one foot. Sorry, Matthew. I hope the rest of the book makes up for this epic fail.

1 comment:

  1. Good day! Were you somehow able to complete all the settings of your site by yourself or you asked for some help?
