09 February 2011

Knocked Up

Well, we can officially announce that I am knocked up. Yes, the Woogies are expecting their first child in August (tentative due date is August 26). We've known for quite awhile, and it has been SO HARD not to share this exciting news, but we wanted to be absolutely sure that everything was fine before announcing it to the world. In fact, people will say I'm crazy, but I swear I knew that SOMETHING was up the day after conception. I might not have known I was pregnant per se, but I knew SOMETHING was off with my body. So much so that I didn't even drink at the squadron Christmas party (only 3 days after I got knocked up). And, sure enough, two weeks later, I peed on a stick and it looked like this:

Then came the moment of panic. "What is that? What is THAT? What does a plus sign mean? Am I. . . ? Oh my gosh I am." I walked out of the bathroom where Jonathan lay in bed waiting for the result. "I think I'm pregnant."
My sweet husband was ecstatic! He started yelling and pulled me into a great big hug. Me, on the other hand? I was in tears. Who knew a little bit of pee could make your whole future look so scary?
We went to the doctor a few days later, and he confirmed it: I was definitely preggers. As he gave us the news and shook Jonathan's hand, my husband said the one thing that will be on his mind for the next 20 weeks: "Is it a boy?" Sorry sweetie--a little too early to tell.
I got sick almost immediately, and it was really hard to explain to everyone that yes, I was sick but no, I was not dying of the plague. The morning sickness was so intense that on some days, I couldn't even leave the house. But, of course, it didn't bother Oskar. I'd be in the bathroom vomiting, and he would walk in a put his ball at my feet, wagging his tail.
Anyway, we finally hit the end of the first trimester this week, and I had my first doctor's appointment. Everything looked good but, at just shy of 12 weeks, it was too early for the doc to hear the heartbeat. This turned out to be a blessing because we got to have an ultrasound instead. I was worried about not being able to see it (think Rachel on 'Friends') but that kid was right there as soon she put the thing on my belly.

Our first look at Baby Wright. All I could think was: "Holy cow--there's a baby in there!"

Snuggled up. This was AFTER he/she did multiple jumps by literally kicking off of my uterus. Uh-huh. . . THAT'S why I've been feeling so sick!

Waving hi to Mom and Dad :)

It's got arms and legs and hands and feet. These are two happy parents :)

I think we're both over the panic stage and are getting to the excited phase. I mean. . . we're gonna have a BABY. Seriously. . . it doesn't get much cooler than that. :)

1 comment:

  1. We are so incredibly excited for you two!!! You're going to be great parents! :) :) :) And I think it's a girl. I've already bought girl things for her, so it had better be! lol
