10 October 2010

Osan Air Power Day 2010

This year's Osan Air Power Day was actually two days--a Saturday and Sunday. However, since I had signed up for my first international 5k on Sunday (more on that later) and had a TON of homework to do on Saturday, I made a decision NOT to go. Plus, the Thunderbirds weren't coming this year. . . it was the ROK's Black Eagles (Korea's version of the Thunderbirds). But, to my delight, I realized I could see most of the action from my balcony while doing homework in between demonstrations. The pictures aren't as good as they would be if I was on the flight line, but you can't beat watching a world class air show from your front porch.
The show started out with some parachutists from the ROK's Air Force

Next up, those insanely loud "lawn darts." ;)
Now, THERE'S some sexy airplanes. . .

Even though I get to see the A-10 fly almost every day, I never get tired of watching it. . .

Next up, the ROK's Black Eagles. They were actually quite impressive.

This is one of the several times they went screaming past my balcony. . . I thought my windows were going to shatter.

Oskar watched the air show with me. . . he was NOT a fan of the Black Eagles. This was right before he jumped down from his chair and cowered between my legs.


  1. Little O really does look like he is watching the show! lol

  2. He really was! And he was NOT happy about it! :)
