10 April 2010

A Random Collection of Oskar Memories

I've finally gotten a free moment to up-load some pics from my camera, and I just had to share some cute ones of Riddle OKB ;)

I absolutely love this picture. This tube is actually a cat toy, but he loves to tunnel through it and "dig" for his ball. And, when he gets tired, it's a nice quiet place to rest. He almost looks angelic here:

When Meg comes down to play, Oskar gets pretty defensive with his toys. But Meg, as small as she is, is NOT intimidated. When Oskar turns his back, she'll grab his ball so fast he doesn't have time to react. Then she'll run and jump on mine or Jonathan's lap so Oskar can't take it away. Here, Oskar is looking at her like "You've got my ball AND you're sitting on Daddy's lap? What is going ON here?!"

My friend Nicole dog-sat a couple of yorkies a few weeks ago. So when I brought Oskar to play, there were 3 yorkies and one wiener dog. We couldn't help singing: "Which one of these things is not like the other?"

And I got a short video of Oskar and Meg playing. Again, the quality is not the greatest since its just from my point-and-shoot camera, but you can at least see how stinkin' adorable they are when they play together. DISCLAIMER: Meg just got a bad haircut from a Korean groomer. Poor little thing doesn't normally look like this :(

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. I just saw that you posted these photos and video! Too stinking cute!!! We have the best dogs in the entire world!
