28 October 2012

52-Week Challenge: Week Forty-Four

This week's challenge is to be an active participant in your life and live in the moment every day.  So what does this mean?

Basically, there are two ways to live your life:  consciously and unconsciously.  Conscious living means choosing the experiences you get involved with and taking responsibility for the decisions you make.  Living unconsciously means letting your circumstances dictate your life and taking little to no ownership over whatever life brings your way.  It ultimately comes down to whether YOU own YOUR life or if your LIFE owns YOU.

To live consciously, you have to put yourself in the driver's seat.  YOU make things happen; you are more mindful and focused, which allows you to get more done.  It also means living more in present, and not dwelling on the past or obsessing about the future.  Ultimately, this translates into a more positive feelings and thoughts because of our day-to-day negative comes from thinking about past disappointments and regrets or worrying about the future.

I am so guilty of this.  If I am honest with myself, I would say that I spend over half of my day unconsciously living.  I often think about the past and ESPECIALLY worry about the future.  There are times when I lay in bed at night and can't really remember what I did that day because I was too busy thinking ahead or regressing back.

I'm going to try to focus this week on actively living in the moment.  I'm going to really focus on playing with my son, instead of thinking ahead to what I'm going to cook for dinner or what I have to get done while he's napping.  When I find myself doing those thing, I'm going to think back to the challenge for week 12 :  take a deep breath.  This will help me hit the "restart" button and try again.  I know this week will DEFINITELY be a challenge for me, but I'm up for it.

Good luck, everyone!

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